Sample announcement

Exciting opportunity!

Job type: PhD Student
Job location: Switzerland
Deadline: 2025-01-01
Salary: 40'000 – 50'000 CHF

{{ #if: | | [[Category:Job Announcement ending 2025-01-01|}}


This template is used to give a homogeneous look and feel to job announcement, and to automatically characterize them correctly. The following is an example of usage:

{{Job Announcement
  | image=ESMRMB-logo.png
  | title=Sample announcement
  | short_text=Exciting opportunity!
  | type=PhD Student
  | location=Switzerland
  | deadline_year=2025
  | deadline_month=01
  | deadline_day=01
  | salary_start=40'000
  | salary_end=50'000
  | salary_currency=CHF

Important settings

The type needs to be one of the following (capitalization is important) for correct categorization of the announcement:

  • PhD Student
  • Postdoc
  • Faculty
  • Internship
  • Industry
  • Technologist

To add more categories, please leave a message in the Template Talk:Job Announcement. An administrator will make the appropriate changes.

The salary settings are optional. If the salary is not a bracket (i.e. it is fixed) just define salary_start and salary_currency. salary_currency needs to be always defined when a salary is indicated.